Monthly Archives: June 2017


Wayne Thiebaud is easily the most darling.

no but really


Generally this is my reaction to everyone interrupting my Boden shopping to asking if I’ve met other “work related” deadlines for crucial quarterly reports.

Get there when I get there, team.

supper at emmaus


Caravaggio paints the moment the Resurrected Christ reveals himself over broken bread and the dinner table.

I love (love!) how the guy on the left tears his shirt at the elbow, but the guy on the right? He looks so bored. In spite of his outstretched hands, this guy’s jaw doesn’t even drop!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME, DISCIPLE? Look alive! It’s the risen LORD, for crying out loud!



So, remember when I said I was going to take the scholarly approach to this little corner of the Internet?

Ba ha ha.

In all seriousness, can I please have some anonymous admirer send me this dozen box of doughnuts?! Who actually finds flowers more romantic? I’m not about it. I would much prefer this sensational iced-strawberry-and-chocolate doughnut combo than any baby’s breath.

❤ just saying..