Tag Archives: kevin mccallister

girl arranging her hair


There’s actually nothing better than an exposed collarbone. Nothing. Bonus points on her being a redhead (ignore what I said in my last post).

Degas had once asked, “What do women know about style?” to Cassatt, and this painting was her retaliation. Do you think Degas just said, “As I thought, NOTHING!”

No matter, Degas had this work in his studio. He then sold it to Louisine Haverney, a major suffragette who co-founded the National Women’s Party (she once tried to set an effigy of Woodrow Wilson on fire in front of the White House —  😯 😯 😯

The painting was then a part of the Chester Dale collection — ah yes, our 1960s Kevin McCallister — before joining the NGA collection.

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picasso, dale, mccallister

Pablo Picasso - Madame Picasso, 1923

Picasso’s Madame Picasso was bequeathed to the National Gallery in 1983 as a part of the Chester Dale Collection.

Dale purchased the painting from Paul Rosenberg in 1930, a prominent art dealer who worked closely with Picasso and Georges Braque. Dale lived in the Plaza Hotel. Here’s hoping that every transaction ended with, “Credit Card? You’ve got it,” and that he spent $967 on room service on THE REG.

Chester Dale

Who’s living the life better — Chester Dale or Kevin McCallister? Tough call. Really tough call.

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