Tag Archives: football

go broncos

coin toss.jpg

God, I love a lanky quarterback.

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go horse

rockwell football


Sometimes art is prepping for football, whether that’s making gluten-free cornbread for your chili, or stitching up your fellow ginger’s jersey. Whatever it may be, I hope you plan to wear those victory curls and saddle shoes. Because I definitely do.

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suarez, suarez


Sometimes art is a bite that repeats itself. And YES, this is an artful SPORTS POST because look at those ESPN graphics!

Click here to see the Vine of today’s bite outta Italy (thanks, Mirror Football!)

ESPN article profiles Luis Suarez, saying, “No soccer player in the world provokes such a strong emotional response as Liverpool’s striker, with less of an understanding of what lurks beneath the surface.”

I’m more intrigued at the quote from the Toronto Star: “He will do something insane at this summer’s World Cup — mark it down… Eventually, he’ll punch a baby.” Um, excuse me, Cathal Kelly? You lost a bet somewhere in a Canadian sports bar because he bit someone and NOT A BABY.

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