Monthly Archives: October 2016



So, I’m gonna tell you something: IT MUST BE NICE TO BE A MELLON.

Bunny Mellon was kinda of a BFD in Washington. She designed the White House Rose Garden in 1961, and just, oh, hung around with the likes of Jackie Kennedy for fun. (She just about designed every Kennedy garden, incl. their place in Martha’s Vineyard.) She also styled the gardens for Hubert de Givency…

Right, like,  THAT GIVENCY.

Anyway, this particular van Gogh work is a recent acquisition to the National Gallery of Art in DC. Turns out, even though the Mellons gave this work to the NGA in 1999, Bunny just went ahead and kept it in their house ’til her death in 2014.

Must be nice.

I ate five of those goddamn Brach’s pumpkins, and I’m like, “Sirs and madams, the sheet cakes, please.” 



This guy’s all, hey, George, trieddddd it.

open window.


Matisse’s colorful terrace overlooking a French set of sailboats is just another reminder I’d rather be anywhere else today.




Not a surprise, but just in case you were wondering, I’ve uncovered another Gauguin to hate with all your guts. Mr. Loulou is Louis Lo Ray is probably the most bored-looking/timid boy I have ever seen on a Gauguin canvas.

Good hair though. Very post-transformation Beauty and the Beast.


Weighing my weekend date options like…


Y’all, it’s almost 5pm on Friday, and you know what that means: happy hour a gosh-darn nap til Sunday!

I will tell you, however, that x-rays reveal a DOG beneath the UNICORN. And before its serious restoration, it looked like THIS:


Thank goodness, as I much, MUCH prefer my dressed-up dog to any sort of writing.

Though, PS: Am I seriously supposed to believe we couldn’t all tell that was a dog from those crazy ears? We needed an x-ray?!