Tag Archives: james tissot

just about


TFW my friend finds the perfect scent at Sephora.

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comin for ya


James Tissot painted On the Thames in 1882. What’s a real downer is, Tissot’s main hang and muse, Kathleen Newton, died the same year. She met him a few years earlier, and then had a son…like, exactly nine months later.

What I love:
a.) her sassy face
b.) her teensy little waist
c.) the two dudes that get suckered into steadying her off the boat

I once took an Uber pool with the frattiest guys, and they didn’t even suggest getting out of the car to help me out…let alone taking me across water.




Are you KIDDING ME, James Tissot?! You are a bona fide BABE.

I don’t even care that you didn’t exhibit with the Impressionists in 1874: all the more reason you’re just a renegade hottie.



Sunday vibes.

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