Tag Archives: weekend



Friday AND pay day?! Gimme that ice cream.

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american beauty


I plan to fully embody both Annette Bening and Kevin Spacey’s characters this weekend. And when I say that, I mean, can I be super sassy while sitting down? 

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dance dance dance


This is actually less of a scene, and more a progression of my night after a long-winded happy hour.

Starting from the left:
1. I always appear super shy and generally leaning into a bar corner,
2. Yawn out of absolute boredom,
3. Choose to take some awkward dance moves out on the floor, and
4. Sit in confusion about where my wallet is. (It’s on the counter, next to the empty pint of Phish Food and gum wrappers from the back of my Uber.)

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This chick and I are on the same page: Just how many seconds are in the 32 hours between me and my weekend?

115,200. Oh dear God.

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winter travel


I’m soon experiencing a similar weekend getaway, but exchange the following:
– a horse-drawn carriage for a first-class airline seat
– a boring fellow for someone quite entertaining
– jolly laughter for those double fingers Beyoncé throws up in “Formation.”

I. Am. Set.

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Get dressed, it’s Saturday. 




Ah yes. May you wake up to your weekend and have it be this glorious.


weekend cake


Here’s to having it and eating it too. TGIF, enjoy your adventures, wherever they take you. Betcha can’t choke on all that saccharin hooey.

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