Tag Archives: monet


Claude Monet’s Beach at Honfleur is pretty mathematically stellar, to be honest.

The diagonal cut of this rocky terrain splits the composition into two pieces; the stones and sand on the right, with the boats and and water on the left. Add the clouds and the cliffs, and my goodness: Monet does a pretty stellar job drawing the eye into the middle of the canvas.

Turns out though, Monet didn’t complete this work en plein air (“outdoors,” duh) like it seems. Photos of his studio from back then suggest that he worked on it once he returned home from the beach.

Uh, yes! I don’t think I upload a single selfie without at least a Valencia filter these days.

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Is it spring yet? I’m just wanting to gallivant in extravagant dresses with beautiful (if androgynous), bouquet-holding individuals. With a parasol. Always a parasol.

Monet’s partner Camille posed as all the figures. Way to get creative with the red hair, Claude! That bun is surely something.


winter scenes

Even though I’m staring at a bunch of dreary puddles, Tom Skilling keeps telling Chicago to expect a swath (a SWATH, for crying out loud) of thick snow. So, while I wait for the temps to drop and travel to become “difficult and at best  and nearly IMPOSSIBLE for a time,” I’ll just enjoy these famous winter scenes.

winter 5

winter 4

winter 3

winter 2 ©Photo. R.M.N. / R.-G. OjŽda

Top to bottom:

Edvard Munch, “New Snow in the Avenue,” 1906, Munch Museum.
Claude Monet, “The Magpie,” 1868-69. Musée d’Orsay.
Wassily Kandinsky, “Winter Landscape,” 1909, The State Hermitage Museum.
Vincent van Gogh, “Winter,” 1885, Norton Simon Museum.
Limbourg brothers, “Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry, Folio 2, verso February,” between 1412 and 1416, Musée Condé (Wikimedia)

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jack dawson vs. monet


ABCfamily gave the gift of Titanic to primetime television earlier this week, and I forgot how much art Rose has! Like that diamond isn’t enough?! Girlfriend, your mom talks about how your family be broke and yet you’re sitting on all those paintings that weren’t actually on that boat!

I love the part of the movie when Jack’s drawing Rose, and she calls him out for blushing. “I can’t imagine Monsieur Monet blushing.”

Oh, Rose.

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Manet’s Monets


Manet painting Monet’s family. Say THAT five times fast. Also, I really need to venture out in a full skirt and bonnet to enjoy a leisurely Saturday with chickens. I need that like I need another Anthropologie dress, so that’s actually a goal today.

Anthro members save 15% today, so this goal’s quickly turning into a reality…now about that poultry…

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