Tag Archives: jacques-louis david



When I suggest a brunch spot known for chicken and waffles, even my dog is grateful.

Let the parade begin.

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right this way


No one knows this, Napoleon isn’t encouraging troops as much as he’s telling me where the weekend is. And it is every bit as far as I’m imagining, SURELY.

Karolus Magnus, underneath Napoleon’s horse Marengo’s bottom hooves, is the Latin for Charles the Great, aka Charlemagne, a king who made a pretty amazing kingdom out of um, say, ALL OF EUROPE. Way to honor your predecessors, Napoleon.

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death of marat


Today marks the 266th birthday of Jacques-Louis David. I almost named my dog Jacques, but I went with Omar. Sorry not sorry.

This is the Death of Marat. Marat was part of the group that wanted to execute Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette that then became the Reign of Terror in 1793. Charlotte Corday was on the other side and one of his political frenemies. She sweet-talked her way into his bathroom (the man often hung around in the tub to soothe his eczema) using a fake note of a counter-revolution. She then fatally stabbed him, hung around, was arrested, and then executed for the crime.

Way to own your actions, girl.

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